Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday Thirteen - Garden Edition

This week's Thursday 13 is about gardening, because we keep getting teased with nice weather. Things are blooming that shouldn't be for another month or so. Gardening is one of my favorite things about Summer, that and sleeping in. I'm not typically a huge fan of the weather. Hot and humid are not my thing.

This is last year's, things aren't blooming quite THAT fast! ;)

Without further ado, 13 things that I grow in my garden..

  1. Blueberries
  2. Strawberries - we have a good sized plot of them, plus another in the works
  3. Blackberries
  4. Raspberries
  5. Peaches - though the tree was planted last year, so we haven't actually gotten any. And who knows if we will after this crazy weather!
  6. Tomatoes - we always plant a lot and they tend to grow like mad!
  7. Bell peppers - a few different varieties
  8. Banana peppers - even though I don't like them
  9. Collard & Turnip Greens - these are to feed the dragons and rabbit
  10. Garlic - new this year
  11. Potatoes - new this year. We're going to try the tower type build
  12. Onions
  13. Green Beans - we way underestimated how many to plant last year, so lots more this time!
Plus some cucumbers, broccoli, kale and spinach and I'm sure more..who knows what else we will end up with.
*sigh* I wish it was time to start planting

You can check out other Thursday 13 pages HERE


  1. I should give garlic a try too.

    Have a great Thursday!

  2. I love gardens too. I've planted peas and lettuce. I look forward to doing more. Happy TT!

  3. I am anxious to get my garden planted, too. We plant kale, collards, tomatoes, green beans, squash, cucumbers, and zuccini - all in a little 10 x 10 space. No room for weeds in there.

    1. I don't have a huge garden area either. No room for weeds is a good thing!

  4. funny, the blog I read before was snowing there!

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed tomorrow, the way the weather has been lately. It's all mixed up!


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